social isolation is good to avoid covid 19 but bad for heart says study
Due to the spread of coronavirus, physical distance is now a hot topic of debate. Doctors say viruses such as coronavirus can spread from one person to another in close proximity to humans. Some of the best things we've learned during lockdown are the cleanliness of hands and feet, as well as physical distance. However, the distance of the coronavirus viruses such as coronavirus due to the physical distance. Research has shown that social isolation is 40 percent more likely to cause problems such as heart attack and stroke.
This research continued for thirteen years under the aegis of Professor Janine Gronwold, a researcher at the Essen University Hospital in Germany. The study was carried out without any knowledge of cardiovascular diseases. Researchers examined data from 4,316 people aged 59.1 years. Of these, 339 died of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and 530 died. Lack of social contact increases the future risk of cardiovascular events by 44 percent, increases the risk of dying from all causes by 47 percent, and increases the risk of cardiovascular events by 30 percent. Although we need to avoid social relations in order to fight the Kovid-19 pandemic, we must recognize the importance of social relationships in our lives. Although we often neglect to improve our social relationships .. The epidemic has given us the opportunity to realize its importance. It helps us in maintaining not only positive emotions but also physical health.