Bharathanatyam is a Telugu dark comedy movie directed by K V R Mahendra. The movie casts Surya Teja Aelay and Meenakshi Goswami in the main lead roles along with Harsha Chemudu, Harshavardhan, Ajay Gosh, Mastali( Saleem Pheku ), Temper Vamshi, Gangavva, Sivannarayana, Santhosh Balakrishna, Satthanna, Krishna Alluri, Naga Mahesh, Tarzon, Manik Reddy, and many others have seen in supporting roles. The music was composed by Vivek Sagar while the cinematography was done by Venkat R Shakamuri and it is edited by Raviteja Girijala. The film is produced by Payal Saraf under Pr Films banner.